Author: Chinta miraie
•4/06/2009 09:09:00 PM

ah haaa...smlm aku p tgk cte neh..errkk,,tp bukan dgn akmal gk cte nye..perghh,,laju gle dia bwk kete..plg best time diorg nk curik tangki myk tu..pastu tangki tu bgolek2 n diorg bjaya lps dr tangki tu..wah,,best3..part yg best lg ms diorg drift dlm tunnel..kt sempadan mexico..perghh,,gle kentang..hehehehe

aku rs2 mcm mau bwk cenggitu gk ble drive g xla,,aku masih igt insan tsyg..wakakaka..hensem btl hero cte neh..adoi,,dgn mata biru nye (yeke biru..erkkk,,xigt plak..hehehehe)

pasni nk tgk cte knowing plak..membe aku ckp best cte nye..hero nye pon best..pelakon ghost rider tu la..byk lg cte2 best kt wyg skrg tula,,xde membe lak nk p..dlu slalu g dgn si skrg.......adios~~~~~

p/s: ble la panggung kt area umah aku neh nk siap..sng nk g..
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On April 8, 2009 at 12:17 AM , 3rd said...

cin ko nie apsal x citer part yg pompuan seksi2 tu
tp aku x puas ati la han leh idup lak kat situ
padahal die da mati da lam tokyo drift!!
leTTy cian die mati gitu ajer
anyway best la citer tu sila la tonton

On April 8, 2009 at 8:22 AM , Chinta miraie said...

amboi ted..ppuan seksi ek..yg mne eh..yg ppuan geng jahat suka kt bro botak tu ke..wakakakaka..

ala ted..hero..mne bole mati..klu mati,,xde la no4 nye neh..hahahha

letty mati sbb nk bersih kn rekod jenayah pakwe dia mati lak..adeii..tu yg pakwe dia ye2 nk cr braga tu..

yayy,,best3 cte neh..